Documentation, Revision Control, Configuration and Builds
Revision Control, Issue Tracking, Documentation
Software Process Improvement, Software Engineering, Requirements, Software Sustainability, Design, Documentation, Testing, Continuous Integration Testing, Peer Code Review, Strategies for More Effective Teams
Testing, Documentation, Configuration and Builds, Release and Deployment, Projects and Organizations, Cloud Computing
Testing, Documentation
Documentation, Revision Control, Configuration and Builds, Software Engineering
Documentation, Programming Languages
Documentation, Software Process Improvement
Testing, Reproducibility, Documentation
Documentation, Reproducibility, Strategies for More Effective Teams
Documentation, Development Tools, Continuous Integration Testing, Reproducibility, Personal Productivity and Sustainability
improving productivity and sustainability, Configuration and Builds, Testing, Documentation, Software Interoperability, Strategies for More Effective Teams
Software Engineering, Documentation, Revision Control, Testing, Continuous Integration Testing
Documentation, Configuration and Builds, Revision Control, Release and Deployment, Debugging, High-Performance Computing (HPC)
Documentation, Revision Control, Release and Deployment
Testing, Continuous Integration Testing, Documentation
Software Engineering, Software Process Improvement, Projects and Organizations, Requirements, Design, Software Sustainability, Refactoring, Issue Tracking, Release and Deployment, Documentation, Peer Code Review, Testing, Continuous Integration Testing
Reproducibility, Software Engineering, Revision Control, Documentation
Reproducibility, Strategies for More Effective Teams, Documentation, Revision Control, Big Data
In-Person Learning, Software Engineering, Design, Strategies for More Effective Teams, Peer Code Review, Release and Deployment, Documentation, Licensing, Reproducibility
In-Person Learning, Software Engineering, Design, Strategies for More Effective Teams, Testing, Peer Code Review, Release and Deployment, Documentation, Licensing, Reproducibility, Software Publishing and Citation
Documentation, Design
Online Learning, Software Engineering, Documentation, Strategies for More Effective Teams, Software Publishing and Citation, Licensing
Documentation, Online Learning
Release and Deployment, Documentation, Strategies for More Effective Teams, Software Sustainability, “online learning
Documentation, Design, Online Learning
Design, Software Engineering, Documentation, Online Learning
Documentation, Software Engineering, Continuous Integration Testing