Daniel S. Katz

Affiliation: National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

URL: https://danielskatz.org/



Measure impact, give attribution, and recognize productivity with scientific software citation.

BSSw Fellow Daniel S. Katz developed principles for software citation to make scientific software more sustainable by providing credit to its developers. Research paper citations are tracked to measure impact; similarly, software citations should be tracked to measure impact and recognize the significant time spent developing software and data. He led working groups to produce the principles, and he is currently working with publishers on implementation in institutionalized citation practices. Learn more about software citation through his webinar recording and slides: Software Citation Today and Tomorrow, April 2018.

Daniel is Chief Scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a Research Associate Professor in Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the School of Information Sciences.

Perspectives on the BSSw Fellowship Program: I applied to be a BSSw Fellow because I saw this as an opportunity to extend some of the work I had started in software citation to have a larger impact, by encouraging new communities to include software citation as part of their professional culture. While this work is a slow activity, I feel that the fellowship has allowed me to help these communities move farther than they otherwise would have. I've enjoyed the experience of understanding the projects of the other fellows and getting better insight into ECP. Based on what I've learned, I suggest that prospective fellows think about how to expand something they are already doing and increase the impact of their work, rather than proposing something completely new.

Selected resources

BSSw Blog Post: Promoting Software Citation HPC Best Practices Webinar: Software Citation Today and Tomorrow