Mary Ann Leung

Affiliation: Sustainable Horizons Institute




Increasing developer productivity and innovation

According to a DOE Advanced Scientific Advisory Committee Workforce Subcommittee Letter in 2014, DOE labs are facing workforce challenges and need to develop more effective techniques to attract and sustain a full spectrum of talent. The letter also calls for new approaches to recruiting and retaining computing sciences staff from all backgrounds. To address the challenge to develop and retain the workforce, Mary Ann is developing guidelines, including best practices and exemplar programs and activities, that the scientific software development community can adopt, adapt, and put into practice. This will be accomplished by (1) facilitating community discussion to scope the needs and collect best practices and (2) disseminating the guidelines in both written and presentation formats. These activities will increase awareness and knowledge of key issues and approaches.

Dr. Leung is a nationally acclaimed leader in the design and implementation of innovative programs aimed at developing the next generation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) leaders. To advance her passion for developing the national STEM workforce, Dr. Leung founded the Sustainable Horizons Institute, utilizing her combined experience in scientific computing and education to lead programs and catalyze change. Previously, Dr. Leung served as the program manager for the Department of Energy (DOE) Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF) program. During her tenure, the program achieved an unprecedented level of recruitment and fellow and alumni engagement, represented by a strategic, multifaceted integration of online, regional, professional society, and annual conference activities.