Better Science through Software Testing

High-flux isotope reactor

PublishedFeb 02, 2018
Author Tom Evans
Track Experience

In November 2017, Tom Evans gave a webinar titled "Managing Defects in HPC Software Development" in the series Best Practices for HPC Software Developers. In this article, Tom summarizes how the strategies he employs have helped his teams deliver better science. Tom is a scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory; he leads the project "Coupled Monte Carlo Neutronics and Fluid Flow Simulation of Small Modular Reactors," part of the DOE Exascale Computing Project.

One of the great challenges in computational science is the management of software quality in a discovery-based endeavor. A statement often expressed is that software quality engineering (SQE) is incompatible with research-driven activities. However, science and engineering achieved through computational modeling and simulation necessarily require software applications. The applications are the mechanism through which the science is achieved. As platform architectures have become more and more complex and powerful, thus enabling more detailed physical and numerical models, the complexity of the software applications has grown apace. We are long past the era when a single researcher could perform meaningful computational modeling and simulation with a private, one-dimensional simulation. Today's scientific applications on HPC platforms are maintained by teams of developers across a range of scientific disciplines and institutions, and they use a wide range of third-party libraries in order to successfully achieve performance. The single app/single developer model is out of date.

To illustrate this situation, we consider a simulation code that is used to model combustion. Such an application will have modules for atomistic chemistry, fluid flow, heat transfer, and radiative transfer, all tightly coupled. The fluid flow module itself may have several models for both compressible and incompressible flows, multiphase, and so on. Now, we assume that a researcher has implemented a new differencing scheme in the incompressible flow solver. Being a talented and diligent numerical analyst, the researcher mathematically determines that the method should be second-order accurate. The method is implemented, and flow verification problems yield first-order convergence. Now, we must answer the question, "Is this a code bug or an error in analysis?"

SQE practiced in an agile manner appropriate for discovery, research-based endeavors can help answer this question. So, not only is SQE compatible with research-driven software development, it is essential. This is especially true for parallel applications that model coupled physics because these are much more difficult to design, test, and analyze than serial, single-physics applications.

The SQE practices that we promote heavily are those that fit naturally into iterative, agile software-development processes, since these are generally the most effective workflows for scientific software in which the complete methods and models are rarely known ahead of time. The most effective practices are those that catch defects as closely as possible to their introduction. The cost of fixing defects, whether they occur in requirements (choosing the wrong model), implementation (code errors), optimization (algorithm selection such as O(N) versus O(logN) in performant code), or elsewhere, rises dramatically as a function of time of introduction. Consider the following simple example. If a vague requirement led a developer to embark on a 6-month effort to write a compressible solver, when the client actually wanted an incompressible solver, at delivery there would be a significant cost in fixing this problem resulting from the misunderstood requirement. Six months of developer time spent working on the wrong product could have been avoided had the "defect" in requirements been identified at the start.

Two methods that we use to help catch defects that occur in code construction are unit tests and Design-by-Contract(TM) (DBC). Used together, these methods are effective at catching errors that make their way into code as it is written. These practices provide software verification as close to code construction time as possible. Thus, the overall cost of the software is reduced. The webinar "Managing Defects in HPC Software Development" illustrates the processes we use to integrate unit testing and DBC into our daily code-development workflow.


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