Better Scientific Software is an organization dedicated to improving developer productivity and software sustainability for computational science and engineering (CSE). We're pleased to introduce the BSSw website---a new community-based resource for scientific software improvement exchange. We’re creating a clearinghouse to gather, discuss, and disseminate experiences, techniques, tools, and other resources to improve software productivity and sustainability for CSE. The site aims to raise awareness of the importance of good software practices to scientific productivity and to the quality and reliability of computationally-based scientific results. Another goal is to raise awareness of the increasing challenges facing CSE software developers as high-end computing heads to extreme scales.
Site users can find information on scientific software topics and can propose to curate or create new content based on their own experiences. The backend enables collaborative content development using standard GitHub tools and processes.
Contribute to BSSw!
We need your contributions to build the BSSw site into a vibrant resource, with content and editorial processes provided by volunteers throughout the international CSE community. For more on what's here and who contributes and why, see the site overview. Join us!
As part of the webinar series on Best Practices in HPC Software Development, we're hosting a webinar on December 6, 2017 (1-2 pm ET) to introduce the vision for the site and explain more details on how to contribute. The webinar is free but registration is required.
BSSw Fellowship Program
Also, we're launching a new BSSw Fellowship Program to give recognition and funding to leaders and advocates of improved scientific software. We're hosting a webinar on December 12, 2017 for Q&A; applications are due by January 5, 2018.