What Does This Line Do? The Challenge of Writing a Well-Documented Code

PublishedSep 11, 2020
Track Deep Dive

Providing good, current developer-focused documentation pays off for the future -- for you and your fellow developers. And it does not have to be that hard to do!

Documentation is the first thing to go

Documentation that is incomplete or ill-conceived is probably the source of more frustration than any other challenge in scientific software development. Virtually everyone agrees that good documentation is important, yet few are willing to invest the time and effort, and for a wide range of reasons. Our culture is to brag about codes with more flops and less mops, but we don’t get to brag about or impress people by codes with good documentation. A mediocre 10-page paper receives more credit than a 100-page software manual even if the manual required deeper expertise on the subject. Constraints on funding and time also lead developers to cut corners, and documentation is usually the first corner to go. There is also the simple desire to move on to something new and exciting rather than documenting the old and boring code. And even if one has the will and resources, the skills needed for good documentation are often quite different from those required to write high-performance code. Just think how different cascading style sheet (CSS) web formatting is from a linear solver.

In this article, I share some first-hand observations from the Tasmanian project and the recent transition from LaTeX PDF-based to Doxygen web-based documentation. While I cannot hope to change culture and the way our community values documentation efforts, I do hope to make the point that good documentation pays for itself and naturally leads to better software. Tasmanian has always had a well-documented external API, but not internal documentation, the lack of which is especially problematic when chasing moving targets such as GPU support for multiple vendors. Porting code to GPUs is hard, doubly so when it is undocumented and comes from an external contributor no longer working on the project. And even if the code was written by the lead maintainer (me), there was always the vicious cycle of present-me struggling to reverse engineer the thoughts of past-me and consecutively creating more problems for future-me. As for the existing documentation, the rigid nature of the PDF made it hard to update when gaps became apparent, which led to repeated chain mails with users clarifying the exact same issue and wasting everyone’s time. A code under development is constantly morphing, and the associated documentation must go hand in hand with any and all changes.

Making it a little easier

Doxygen was chosen for the documentation standard because of its comprehensive set of features, which eventually allowed integrating its web deployment within our continuous integration setup. Thus the documentation became part of the coding effort and not a something done on the side. Achieving this required the integration of Doxygen within the build system, which sounded scary until I realized that CMake 3.10 has a seamless interface that automatically handles the doxy-file, the paths, and setting with just a few set variables and without any detailed knowledge of the Doxygen internals. Adding an automated documentation generator to a proper build system is a fairly easy task; and if no proper build system exists -- well, that’s at least as bad as having bad documentation and worthy of its own dedicated article.

After the build system is in place comes the challenge of organizing a proper web page. Unfortunately, Doxygen's default colors, fonts, and formatting are barebones and hard on the eyes, while the path to good formatting goes through the use of CSS files. The CSS language is fairly remote from anything in the HPC community, and no one in the Tasmanian team had the necessary expertise; but this is where the IDEAS-ECP project helped us make a connection with Alex Moore from the ORNL Research Software Engineering group. After Alex was done with the style sheet and I showed the web page to users, reactions ranged from "that’s nice and professional" to "wow, looks good." When establishing the documentation infrastructure, don’t hesitate to ask for help from someone who knows what they're doing.

Naturally, the most tedious part of the process was writing the actual documentation. When a project has accumulated a lot of technical debt, it has to be paid in installments. The documentation process took almost a year, but it was a gradual effort. First, we established the policy that all new or modified code must come with documentation; a modification implies that one has already thought through the relation of this code to the rest of the project and thus it is easier to document on the spot. The second stage was to document the most important classes, methods, and data structures; in Tasmanian those were the MultiIndexSets and MultiIndexManipulators, which sit as the backbone of the internal API. Gradually, we moved from totally undocumented code to simply filling the gaps, which made the process much smoother. The final thrust was the conversion of the PDF documentation of the external API into Doxygen, half of which was copy-paste. Every release of Tasmanian prior to 7.0 had been delayed by weeks because of documentation issues; the latest release 7.1 was the first not to require a documentation crunch. The documentation debt was converted to an asset, and we began to reap the dividends.

Reaping the dividends

Documentation provides an introspection of the code that has benefits far beyond the obvious ease of understanding and maintenance. The introspection reveals mislabeled or misplaced methods and locates overlapping and redundant functionality that should be in a single common procedure. Documentation naturally leads to better organization. Perhaps most important, documenting while coding forces the developers to think twice about their approach; and if something is hard to document, then perhaps there is a better way to code it in the first place. The two-stage thought process has led to a much cleaner and straightforward internal API in Tasmanian compared with the old undocumented one. And I mention one unexpected benefit: the past few months of working at home have made it harder to hold face-to-face meetings with collaborators, thus increasing our reliance on on-line resources; and having a well-made professional-looking web page has made life much easier.

Author bio

Dr. Miroslav Stoyanov got his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech in 2009. After a postdoctoral position at Florida State University, he joined ORNL in 2012. His areas of research involve surrogate modeling, uncertainty quantification, high-dimensional approximation, and supercomputing. Dr. Stoyanov is also the lead developer of the ORNL Toolkit for Adaptive Stochastic Modeling and Non-Intrusive Approximation (Tasmanian) and one of the main contributors to the library for Highly Efficient Fast Fourier Transform for Exascale (heFFTe).


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